What is Delta-8?

The New Addition of Delta-8 Into The Market
The legality of delta-8 is hazy at this time. Delta-8 can be extracted from either hemp or cannabis. Because of the 2018 farm bill, hemp can be legally grown and used for extractions all over the United States, making delta-8 legal in states where delta-9 THC is illegal. Nearly all delta-8 sold today are manufactured from hemp-derived CBD, which makes it, in theory, of a federally legal origin. Since in theory delta-8 is a legal substance stores across the nation have been scrambling to keep delta-8 products in stock. Which has lead to a huge spike in users over the past year.
Delta-8 can give people a high, while not as potent as delta-9 THC. Consumers report many of the same effects as THC, such as euphoria, happiness, uplifting feelings, and relief from some symptoms including pain. Resulting in this “legal” drug acting like the illegal delta-9. Side effects may also be similar to those of THC, including dry mouth, red eyes, short-term memory loss, paranoia, and anxiety. The FDA is concerned that delta-8 THC products likely expose consumers to much higher levels of the substance than are naturally occurring in hemp cannabis raw extracts. ¹

Products advertised as delta-8 have a high likelihood of containing detla-9 due to the unregulated manufacturing process.
Since delta-8 is similar to delta-9 in chemical structure and the side effects it produces, delta-8 also responds to drug tests in the same way. Your body will retain its metabolites for some time. The metabolites produced by delta-8 are the same as those produced by delta-9 THC. The primary non-active metabolite that delta-8 THC gets reduced to in the body is 11-Nor-9-carboxy THC or THC-COOH. These lipid-soluble metabolites do not get flushed out of your body easily and can linger in the body like any other THC and may be detected by a drug test. As with all substances, the amount of time delta-8 will remain detectable varies from person to person. When testing a cross-reaction can occur with delta-8 and the THC strip on a rapid oral fluid drug test.