OralTox Recognized By Occupational Health And Safety (OH&S)

Premier Biotech is thrilled to have our flagship, rapid oral fluid drug screening product OralTox, recognized by Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) at the2021 Industrial Hygiene Awards.
OraSure Technologies, a leader in the development, manufacture and distribution of oral fluid diagnostic devices, and a valued Premier Biotech partner, received the Platinum Award in the Risk Assessment & Management category on March 29, 2021.
The Industrial Hygiene Awards honor outstanding product development achievements of health and safety manufacturers whose products or services are considered particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve industrial hygiene.
“We have witnessed accelerated interest and adoption of rapid oral fluid testing throughout all of our customer markets this past year amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. With ease of use and collector safety at the forefront of its design, we are proud to offer in partnership with OraSure Technologies, a safe and effective solution that allows drugs of abuse screening programs to retain or return to screening.”
– Clay Chelmo, Director of Marketing (Premier Biotech)
See The 2021 Winners Press Release