Why Oxycodone Is Not Effectively Detected On The Standard Opiate Test Strip

Are YouProperly Testing For Oxycodone?
A common misconception many people have in regards to testing for oxycodone is that it can be properly detected with the standard opiate (OPI 300) test strip. Although oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, Endocet, Roxicodone) are considered to be opiates, the structure of oxycodone is not close enough to bedetected by the standard opiate (OPI 300) test strip.
So What Does Cross React With The Standard Opiate (OPI 300) Test Strip?
The standard opiate test stripcross reacts with morphine, codeine, hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lorcet, Lortab), hydromorphone (Dilaudid) and heroin. Reflected in the package insert of our
Premier Bio-Cup and PremierBio-Dip (rapid urine tests), the standard OPI 300 test stripcross
reacts with:
- morphine: 300 ng/mL
- codeine: 100 ng/mL
- heroin: 8,000 ng/mL
- hydrocodone: 1,250 ng/mL
- oxycodone: 75,000ng/mL
In astudyconducted by The Journal of Analytical Toxicology; urine specimens obtained from 32,656 patients prescribed oxycodonewithin a clinical/pain setting, had anaverage oxycodone level of9,015 ng/mL. This study helps to illustrate the reality that it is very unlikely someone taking oxycodone (especially in a corrections/non-prescribed setting)would show a positive result on the OPI 300 test strip.

Illustrating The Separate Metabolic Pathways Of OPI And OXY
The followingflow-chart shows the different metabolic pathways ofboth OPI and OXY. Opiates (represented in blue) have a completely separate metabolic pathway to OXY (represented in orange). This is a helpful reference to illustrate how the laboratory utilizes mass spectrometry results to identify specific analytesin a specimen. For example, heroin (top right) within minutes will break down to
6-Acetylmorphine. 6-Acetylmorphine is what the lab is testing for to confirm heroin use. 6-Acetylmorphinewill than continue to break down into morphine and down the rest of the metabolic pathway from there. The solid arrows in the metabolic pathways indicate majormetabolites and the dashed linesminor metabolites.
Based on the chart below, if someone is taking hydrocodone (prescribed or not) we would expect to see hydrocodone present and possibly, dihydrocoeine, norhydrocodone or hydromorphone. We than should never see codeine, morphine or6-Acetylmorphine. The presence of any of those would not be a result of the donor taking hydrocodone.

Now For Some Laboratory Supported Case Studies
To illustrate the importance of adding an OXY specific strip to your testing menu, we have outlined the following threecase studies including metabolism charts andconfirmation reports provided byPremier Biotech Labs.
- Qualitative result = Indicates some OPI found in thesample
- Is it Codeine? Morphine? Hydrocodone? Heroin? A combination of these?
- Lab LC-MS/MS will indicate
the specific opiate

- Qualitative result- OXY
present in specimen - No cross reactivity with Opiates
*This is what we would expect to see when someone is taking an OXY (Oxycontin, Percocet, Opana) either prescribed or
not prescribed
- Lab Confirmation indicates Oxycodone or Oxymorphone?

- Qualitative result = BOTH OPI
and OXY in specimen - Because of OPI metabolism,
likely at least 2 different substances present - Which OPI? Codeine?Hydrocodone? Morphine? Heroin? A combination of these?
- Lab LC-MS/MS will indicate absolute specificity

Premier Biotech’s Rapid Urine And Oral Fluid Products
Properly testing for oxycodone is extremely important. Premier Biotech’s innovative urine and oral fluid product portfolio includes exclusive configurations that tests for many of the prescription opioids and the most relevant drugs of abuse including oxycodone, fentanyl, tramadol, buprenorphine 5ng/mL, and more.