A Month To Connect
September is a month to connect with those around you who might be dealing with substance abuse, chronic pain, and or mental illness. Read more about National Recovery Month, National Pain Awareness Month, and National Suicide Prevention Week.
National Recovery Month
September is a time to celebrate all those who have made an active choice for recovery from substance abuse and educate those about recovery options. National Recovery Month increases awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders and encourages individuals in need of treatment and recovery services to seek help. This year’s theme is “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community” to show that we are all in this together. We must show those in recovery that we support their journey. One in ten Americans is recovering from some source of substance abuse, with 54% of those working with programs in their community to help assist their recovery. If you are the voice of recovery, connect with those around you this September. With substance abuse rapidly increasing during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is crucial to communicate with those in our community and show them there are resources to help them recover.
“Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community”
National Pain Awareness Month
With 50 million people in the US living with chronic pain, odds are you or someone you know deals with a chronic pain condition. Chronic pain is often invisible to those around you and often treated with some form of medication. 99% of people who deal with chronic pain take medication, with a majority using opioids to relieve the pain. As we know, 2020/2021 has been a rough year for many; however, people living with chronic pain have had a more arduous uphill battle. 88% of people living with chronic pain use physical therapy to help relieve their pain. With many doctors and physical therapists limiting visits last year due to the pandemic, prescription drugs were the only accessible pain relief choices. 2020 saw the highest spike in opioid use and overdoses. With the opioid epidemic upending many lives and families, we wanted to provide some resources if you or someone you know is living with chronic pain.

National Suicide Prevention Month
Suicide is a complex public health issue that is preventable with the help of health care providers, individuals and family members, and the community. If we work together, we can increase the public’s awareness of these public health issues. National Suicide Prevention Week is a time for us to connect with those around us who might be most at risk. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all adults. A large group of people at risk of this are those who already have a substance abuse addiction. Alcohol and other substance abuse disorders are key warning signs and risk factors for a person who has the potential to consider attempting suicide. People who also deal with chronic pain and illnesses are also at risk. Since they often deal with hopelessness when it comes to treatment for their pain and illness. As mentioned above, around 20% of the US population deals with chronic pain, and approximately 20% of our population uses illicit drugs. Between these two groups, there is most likely a high cross-over; however, a significant portion of our population could be at risk for taking their own lives. This week take time to connect with those around you and friends or family you may have drifted away from; it has the potential to save a life.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8225
U.S. Pain Foundation 800-910-2462